Tuesday, 25 June 2013

MG Strike Gundam Evolve 8

This has always been in my list of the gundams that I wanted to build, and finally I got to do it.
People ask me why do I want to build this now, it's an old model and that I should build what is hot right now. Well, we'll get to that. but for now I'll do the models that I like, not because they're hot kits, but because I like them.
So here are initial photos of the kit, I'm almost finished with it. I'll post the rest of the photos when I'm done with the build.

Still need to finish the striker pack for the Strike Gundam and the rest of the weapons. But for now I'm done the with gundam itself and it looks like a real badass.
Here are some pose shots. Enjoy!

Okay, so it's been a while since my last update... I got lazy finishing this kit down the stretch, but now it's done. I hope you like it, enjoy!